Suspension of life term sentence denied

The Madurai Bench of Madras High Court upholding the contentions of the public prosecutor that, the appellant did not deserve to be let out on bail since the charge of murdering a young girl in a gruesome manner had been proved before the trial court beyond all reasonable doubts, dismissed the application of the convict to suspend his life term.

The public prosecutor also contented that, the appellant had inflicted injuries on the girl’s father also when he attempted to prevent the murder. Later, he carried the girl’s severed head and threw it in a nearby bush. The prosecution through cogent evidence adduced by the girl’s father as well as other witnesses had proved the entire incident. Therefore, the appellant has not made out a case for suspension of sentence

Earlier the trial court convicted the appellant for life term in the case of trespassing and murder of deceased victim who refused to marry him and severing her head in the presence of her father, mother and younger sister. Charges were made under Section 302 and Section 307 of the Indian Penal Code.

Section 302: Punishment for murder

Whoever commits murder shall be punished with death, or [imprisonment for life], and shall also be liable to fine.

Section 307: Attempt to murder

Whoever does any act with such intention or knowledge, and under such circumstances that, if he by that act caused death, he would be guilty of murder, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine; and if hurt is caused to any person by such act, the offender shall be liable either to [imprisonment for life], or to such punishment as is hereinbefore mentioned. Attempts by life convicts. [When any person offending under this section is under sentence of [imprisonment for life], he may, if hurt is caused, be punished with death.]