Call for Papers – Secular India in the 21st Century

Call for Papers

Theme: Secular India in the 21st Century

The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal, E-ISSN: 2319-8338 invites scholarly articles for publication in its upcoming issue focused on “Secular India in the 21st Century.” We welcome original and insightful contributions from academicians, legal professionals, researchers, and experts in the field of law, political science, sociology, and related disciplines.

Theme Overview: Secularism has been a foundational principle of India’s democracy since its independence. In the 21st century, understanding the nuances, challenges, and developments of secularism in India is of paramount importance. This issue of The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal aims to explore the legal, political, social, and cultural dimensions of secular India and seeks to provide a comprehensive analysis of its interpretation, application, and impact on society.

Sub-Themes: Papers may explore, but are not limited to, the following sub-themes:

  1. Constitutional Framework and Interpretation
    • Analysis of constitutional provisions related to secularism in India.
    • Examination of key court judgments shaping the interpretation of secularism.
    • Critique of the legal framework and suggestions for reform.
  2. Religion, Politics, and Secular Governance
    • Interplay between religion and politics in India and its implications for secular governance.
    • Analysis of electoral dynamics, communal polarization, and religious identity in shaping political discourse.
    • Strategies for maintaining a balance between religion and governance in a secular state.
  3. Minority Rights and Protection
    • Evaluation of legal and policy measures for protecting the rights of religious minorities.
    • Analysis of the effectiveness of existing laws in countering discrimination.
    • Role of courts and human rights mechanisms in addressing violations of minority rights.
  4. Communal Harmony and Social Cohesion
    • Initiatives promoting communal harmony and interfaith dialogue in India.
    • Impact of social media and online platforms on communal relations and polarization.
    • Legal and policy measures to foster social cohesion and counter hate speech.
  5. Secularism in a Pluralistic Society
    • Challenges and opportunities of practicing secularism in a diverse society.
    • Interaction between secularism and religious diversity, including personal laws and religious practices.
    • Lessons from secular countries and their relevance to India.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Submissions must be original and not simultaneously submitted elsewhere.
  2. Articles should be a maximum of 4,000 words (excluding footnotes/citations).
  3. Citations must follow a recognized citation style (e.g., Bluebook/APA).
  4. Submissions must be in English and submitted in electronic form (MS Word format).
  5. Authors are requested to include an abstract (up to 250 words) and a brief author bio (up to 100 words).
  6. Co-authorship of up to two authors is allowed.
  7. All submissions will undergo blind peer review.

Important Dates:

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: 10 June 2023
  • Full Paper Submission Deadline: 30 June 2023
  • Review and Revision Period: 31 July 2023
  • Expected Publication Date: August 2023

Submission Procedure: Authors are requested to email their submissions to [] with the subject line: “Submission: Secular India in the 21st Century“. Inquiries and clarifications can be directed to the same email address.

Editorial Guidelines: Please refer to Author’s Handbook | The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal for detailed author guidelines and manuscript formatting instructions.

We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions on the theme “Secular India in the 21st Century” and encourage you to disseminate this call for papers among your colleagues and peers.