- 5 months ago - Call for Papers – Secular India in the 21st Century -
- 2 years ago - Essence of freedom of speech and expression in the modern society -
- 3 years ago - Separation of powers and rule of law: need for restraint rather than activism? -
- 3 years ago - Philosophical sanctity of privacy: Issues & concerns -
- 3 years ago - Right to be forgotten and personal data protection in India -
As a peer-reviewed (refereed) journal, lex-warrier provides an international platform for the publication of most advanced research papers in the field of law. The e-journal welcomes original research papers for its upcoming issues. We accept submissions throughout the year. The major criteria in the review and the selection process concern the significance of the contribution to the area of contemporary development in the legal system.
Who can Submit?
You can submit a research paper for our review and its publication with us, if you are;
- A student enrolled under a five year integrated law degree.;
- A student enrolled under a three year degree;
- A practicing advocate;
- An in-house legal counsel;
- A student enrolled for master degree in law;
- A student enrolled for research programs (M.Phil. or Ph.D) in law;
- An academician in the field of law;
- A person who has shown considerable interest in the field of legal research.
How to submit?
Authors are requested to submit their research papers electronically by emailing the same to the editorial board at editor [at] lex [-] warrier [dot] in. All such submissions shall be in word format in strict compliance with the submission guidelines mentioned herein below. In case of any query or clarification the same may also be addressed to the email id mentioned above.
Pre-preparation stage
- Authorship of the paper: Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the research paper. The number of permitted authors per research paper is limited to a maximum of four.
- Originality and plagiarism: The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have adapted the work and/or words of others, then the same shall be cited or quoted appropriately.
- Acknowledgement of sources: Proper acknowledgement of sources referred during the course of research shall be given. Authors shall follow a uniform citation style though out the research paper. For more details on how to cite references, you are advised to go through the Lex-Warrier Citation Manual for Legal Research.
Manuscript Preparation
Structure: All the manuscript to the editorial review of lex-warrier should be provided in concise form in MS Word format consisting of 5000 – 8000 words. Pages should be numbered consecutively, and the matter should be arranged in the following order:
- Title of the Paper Name(s) of the author(s) along with the affiliation details such as department(s) and institution(s); contact email id and contact number
- Abstract in 300 – 350 words
- Keywords
- Introduction, premise, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement (if any), and references
- Footnoting shall be furnished, wherever it is necessary Prospective authors of lex-warrier are recommended to go the Sample Paper to get familiar with the format of the research paper.
Cover letter & Contact: Each manuscript should have a covering letter and the submission manuscript shall be emailed from the email id of the corresponding author.
Declaration: It is mandatory on the part of the author(s) to furnish the following an undertaking at the time of submission of the manuscript for publication:
This to certify that the reported work in the paper entitled “………….” submitted for publication in “The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal” is an original one and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. I/we further certify that proper citations to the previously reported work have been given and no data/tables/figures have been quoted verbatim from other publications without giving due acknowledgement and/or without the permission of the author(s). The consent of all the authors of this paper has been obtained for submitting the paper to “The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal”.
Thus, each submission to lex-warrier shall consist of three attachments viz. Covering letter, Research Paper and Declaration.
Submission Stage
Submission: Research paper along with covering letter and declaration in MS Word format shall be emailed by the corresponding author to the editorial board of lex-warrier. Email id of the editorial board in this regard is editor [at] lex [-] warrier [dot] in & lexwarrierorg@gmail.com.
Multiple, redundant or concurrent publication: An author who has submitted/published a research paper with lex-warrier should not submit/publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in any other medium including print format. However, the author is permitted to index the abstract of their research paper with database like SSRN, Academia.edu etc. In such cases, it is recommended to inform the editorial board regarding the same.
Acceptance or rejection
Acceptance or Rejection of the submission will be subjected to the terms and conditions of the Peer-Review Policy of The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal.
Editor's Picks
Essence of freedom of speech and expression in the modern society
Separation of powers and rule of law: need for restraint rather than activism?
Philosophical sanctity of privacy: Issues & concerns
Right to be forgotten and personal data protection in India
Duties before rights
Aspects of federalism and emerging challenges before Indian Constitution
Call for Papers – Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
Dissent, not hate: extinguishing the inflammable hate speech
“Revenge porn”, “doxxing” and “downstream distribution”: need for comprehensive legislation in India