How to write an article review?

Writing an article and getting it published in a reputed journal is always a tough task for law students. At the same time, at least 2 – 3 article publication is must for each law students in their resume, before the Campus Placement commence. In other words, one law student shall publish at least 3 articles during his first 4 years of integrated LL.B course.

Now, here the question is how to write an article review? It is the most common and the very first question comes to a law students mind, especially, if he is planning to write his first article. Here, we will guide you on how to write an article review.

There are large numbers of journals publishing every year and each of them follows different writing style. So the point is there is no common writing style for writing an article review. However, there are some common factors which need to be addressed in every article review. They are; Purpose of writing the article review, audience or intended readers, tone of your language, and the structure of your article.

  • Prior to writing an article review, it is essential for the author to have a clear idea about the purpose of writing said article review on a given topic. Generally, authors evaluate or critique the data, research methods and results, in an article review.
  • It is important for the author to know his intended audience, before writing the article review. If the author knows about his expected audience, only then he will be able to convey the message properly through his article review. Generally, an article review on any subjects related to law is read by the peers of the author or those who are from the legal profession.
  • Next important point to be kept in mind while writing an article review is the language to be used. It shall be always in the present tense and always use active voice. Further, an article review is always evaluative or analytical in nature.
  • Last but not the least, the structure of the article review. In an article review there shall not be any heading and it shall be a brief summary. Further, each article review shall have an effective comment on the quality of work.


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