Online Research Internship program for law student

Competitions for internship are very high among law students in India. Though, the Bar Council of India restrict internships outside the vacation time, student often prefer to intern as an when they get an opportunity. Are you belongs to such category of law student who prefers to do an internship even outside the vacation period. If so, we recommend you to look for virtual or online internship opportunities.

There are various organisations at national as well as international level, which offer virtual internships for law student. The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal is the first organisation in India, which started offering online research internships to law students at an international level.

It is recommended to choose research based internship programs, if you are planning to do virtual internship. So that, you can work right from your room or college library. Further, such research internships will also, increase your research skills and it keeps you up to date in the field.

Further, you may consider doing online research internship on those areas of laws, which you are studying in that particular semester or trimester. For example, if you are studying Constitutional Law, Law of Contract, Torts Law, Criminal Law and Human Rights in your semester or trimester, you may choose to do an internship in any of those subjects. Thereby, it will even help you in strengthening your knowledge in relevant subject of course it will help you to score good grade in your examination.

Read more on How to find an internship.

Read more on the Online Research Internship opportunities available with Lex-Warrier Foundation