Interview Tips: Most common interview questions

Most of us are worried about the questions, which may be asked in a job interview. Especially, if we are fresher. Here it goes… Following are few most common interview questions, from which you may expect some OR all in your next interview.

Introduce yourself OR Self introduction

This may be the very first question asked in almost every interview. Your reply to this question will give the interviewer a fair idea about who you are.

Describe your current job profile

One of the easiest and common question asked very next to your self-introduction. Though the question looks very easy, it is not that easy to answer. You should focus more on highlighting your key strength and which does have more relevance to the position for which you are attending interview.

Why are you looking for a new job opportunity?

This is actually a tricky question, which can really decide your fate in the interview. Your answer to this question has a major role in your selection to the position for which you are attending interview.

Why are you the best candidate for this position?

The million-dollar question. Why? Why should they hire you? Again a tricky question, where you have to invest your time on thinking about the role, competencies and to explain how best you fit into the position.

What is your biggest professional accomplishment?

This is an opportunity for you to exhibit an example, which could convince the in interviewer that, you are the best fit in for their required position. Main objective is to convince the interviewer that, not only your accomplishment but also your capabilities to fulfil the professional requirement if the job is offered to you.

Where do you see yourself after five years?

Possibly one of the silliest question you may feel. However, the answer to this one shall be very diplomatic. Else, you may lose an opportunity.

What are your strength?

An opportunity to project yourself as the best suitable candidate for the position for which you are attending interview. Ensure that, you do it artfully. Being able to lift 100 Kg. weight in one hand or 25 – 30 pull-ups at-a-stretch will not count as strength.

What is your greatest weakness?

Very tricky question. Sometimes, your answer to this question could spoil your chances. However, be honest and strategic. Intention is to show the interviewer that, you are self-aware, thoughtful and proactive about your strengths and weaknesses.

How would the people you have worked with describe you?

Give examples of challenges (you faced) that illustrate how you work with people across various functions. However, be honest and strategic. This is an opportunity to show case, how well you work with others and your ability to manage relationships with your peers, managers and direct reports.

Do you have any questions to us?

Do you really have any? Ask only if you have any concern. Just for the sake of asking, Don’t ask any.