Call for Papers: Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal

The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal (ISSN: 2319-8338) invites articles on any of the following themes for its January 2014 Issue;

  • Law of the Sea
  • Human Trafficking
  • Law of War/War Crimes

Word limit should be between 4,000-5,000 words containing a comprehensive study of the theme and is expected to engage with the theme comprehensively, examine literature comprehensively, and offer an innovative reassessment of the current understanding of that theme.


  • All submissions shall be in MS Word 2003 OR 2007 format only. The body of the contribution should be in Times New Roman, size 12 and in 1.5 spacing. The footnotes/end notes and references should be in Times New Roman, size 10 and in single spacing.

Do’s & Don’ts

  • You must not cut copy and paste articles from anywhere (including your own articles published elsewhere on the internet.)
  • Submissions shall be made exclusively to The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal.
  • Be clear on what you are serving to the readers. Conceptual clarity is expected from the author.
  • Submissions shall accompany with an abstract of the article and a covering letter mentioning the author details and qualifications. Further, it shall accompany an undertaking as to the originality of the work as well as the same is not published anywhere before.
  • Original articles are expected to be original but in case you are taking inspiration or picking up content from an already published article then give proper credit to the source.
  • We reserve the right to edit your articles so that it attains its full potential and also adheres to the decorum of The Lex-Warrier

All your submissions shall be sent to with subject line as “Article – 2013

Last Date of Submission: November 30, 2013

For more information, please visit

Peer Review Process available at

About Lex-Warrier

Any other queries regarding submissions, feel free to comment below this notification. Queries will be attended within a period of 3 Hours