Wife’s late-night parties not mental cruelty

Bombay High Court, while hearing an appeal against the Family court order, which granted divorce on the claim of the husband that, his wife used to party a lot and misbehave which constituted cruelty, held that, family court was wrong in its observation and set aside the order of the Family court.

The husband in his petition alleged that, in spite of being a mother of two children, his wife frequently attended late-night parties and misbehaved with him on many occasions, had outbursts on small issues and made his life miserable.

However, High Court while overturning the divorce verdict pointed out that, social mores and traditional roles were changing, and socializing to some extent in the present society is permissible. However, there is no evidence to conclude that on a particular date wife was drunk or had excess liquor and had come to the house at a particular time.

High Court further noted that, in the evidence it had come on record that the Husband too attended parties and on one occasion he was in the company of a female friend who he had brought home as she was drunk and not in a position to go to her home. These evidences indicates that the life of both the appellant and respondent in this case was not a normal life of a conservative married couple. Both of them appeared to be in the nature of socializing and were in the habit of enjoying parties. Therefore, it cannot be concluded that wife had subjected husband to cruelty, either physical or mental.


Do you think that, partying permitted only to married males and not to married females? Do you think even married females do have a right to attend late-night parties? Feel free to share your thoughts below…

2 thoughts on “Wife’s late-night parties not mental cruelty

  1. Very good ruling. Right to equality in all part of society. Even otherwise, girls do have every right to enjoy their life including attending and participating late night parties.

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