Whether, porn sites should be banned completely in India?

Central Government informed the Supreme Court that, it is impossible for them to block the access to all the porn sites in India. However, it was informed that, the government will block all those sites which are displaying or featuring the abuse of children.

Even if you ban a website, it is possible that, on the next day a new site will come up with the same contents of the blocked website. Hence, in the era of advanced internet and software technologies, it is highly difficult to block all those websites, which are having pornographic content.

Recently, based on a circular from the central government, the Internet service providers (ISP’s) in India blocked 857 porn sites in India with effect from August 1, 2015. Such a movement was highly criticised in various social media.

As a result, telecom ministry decided to block only those websites, which contains pornographic contents of children. It was also informed by the Central Government that, government would not interfere in the personal liberty of citizen, on whether to watch porn or not. However, it is up to the individual to decide that, whether, they should visit those porn sites and watch porn.

Whether, porn should be banned completely in India? What is your opinion? Looking forward to your thoughts…

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