Central Information Commissioner while considering an appeal from Shri Pフランティシェク・ハラマ FH-1694 花瓶 朝・昼・夜 uranit(ウランガラス)【楽ギフ_包装選択】【楽ギフ_のし宛書】.R『わたしの讃歌』出産祝還暦桃の節句マイネームインポエム名前詩毛筆文字命名紙命名札百寿命名書お雛祭り桃の節句端午の節句短歌名前詩歌誕生日古希喜寿敬老金婚式ブライダル引き出物名前旗命名軸七五三. Chandol held that【強力ラジウム!ゲルマニウム入浴器】 玉川の湯 「癒」 【大判】 – 『玉川の湯 癒』を家庭のお風呂に沈めれば、「ラジウム」「ラドンガス」「マイナスイオン」「遠赤外線効果」で身体を芯から温めます。【s, any information sought whether similar treatment has been given to all the employees of Central Council of Homeopathy for the same action or inaction relates to transparency in the Council and involves public interestビューモント ウィスキーメジャースタンド ロータリー式 6本立1 1/2oz 245×H545最大H630mm <白>. Therefore【ポイント5倍】 オーツカ光学 (OOTSUKA) 照明拡大鏡 NEOLIGHT-MS 8倍 (マグネットスタンド式) (NEOLGHT-MS-8) 〈ネオライト〉, Central Information Commissioner directed Central Council of Homeopathy to provide information in the matter to the appellant【ポイント20倍】Bally(バリー) ブリーフケース TAJEST-MD 261 CHOCOLATE RED/WHITE.
EarlierBlu-ray・DVD 全巻購入特典 うしおととら とらフィギュア 徳間ジャパンコミュニケーションズ【中古】, appellant sought information vide his RTI Application dated 04勝?新 メソッド 古田新太編「体」 [DVD] 新品.02ブラックムートン【BlackMouton】コットンメランジサロペット(65538)【ワンピース | オールインワン・サロペット】.2014 regarding action taken by the office against the officials who came late to office in respect to an Office Memorandum dated 09送料無料(沖縄離島除く) amadana サーバー アマダナ サーバー クリティア【メーカー直送品】 ポイント2倍 豪華特典付きアマダナ ウォーターサーバー amadana × CLYTIA [HC1.09.2013 and the Public Information Officer (PIO) informed the appellant that, the Office Memorandum mentioned herein above are addressed only to the appellant. In such cases, there is no point in taking action against any other personal or staffs who comes late to the office.
It was contented by the appellant before the CIC that, five casual leaves (CL) were deducted against him for late coming, and he wanted to know that, whether similar action taken against other employees who comes late to the office. Accordingly, he filed the application under Right to Information Act.
However, PIO submitted before the Central Information Commissioner that, the appellant’s application was referring to a specific Office Memorandum where, it is specifically issued to the appellant. Therefore, there is no relevance in taking action against other employees for late arrival on the basis on the Office Memorandum mentioned in the RTI Application. Hence, it was informed by the Public Information Office that, they were not in a position to provide any information to the appellant.
CIC after hearing both the parties came to a conclusion that, the information sought relates to transparency in the Council and also involves public interest, whether similar treatment has been meted out to the other employees for the same lapse/action. CIC further directed the respondent, i.e., Central Council of Homeopathy to provide complete information in with respect to action taken by them for similar lapse of late coming to office by other employees.
However, the respondent is not supposed to disclose the names of such employees against which, they have taken any similar action. CIC further directed that, in case no similar action is taken against any employees for late coming, then proper justification for the same shall be provided to the appellant.
Read the Full Judgment of PR Chandol v. Central Council of Homeopathy decided on 28-04-2015