Religion and its impact on society

Sourabh Prakash Ahirwar
Student of Second Year B.A, LL.B (Hons.),
National Law Institute University (NLIU), Bhopal


Religions have a huge impact on the society of a country not only on the religious communities but also on a social, cultural and economic structure of a country. In most of the country rules and regulations are defined and shaped according to the social and religious environment of the country. Religion is almost always a belief in some form of supernatural happenings or causes. It is always associated with some sort of discipline, be it physical, mental or psychological. Such disciplines often manifest themselves as religious ritual or habitual behaviour. Religion underpins the emotions and logic of almost everyone. In today’s secular societies, many deny the fact, but all are so steeped in the traditions and ideas basic to religion that it is impossible to shake off its effects. Even in societies where the official line has been that there is no God, the ordinary people have been so exposed to a long tradition of religious concepts that almost no-one could be devoid of its effects. Religion effectively provides an identity for those who consider themselves to be members of a particular group. Even those who do not consider themselves to be members, or do not actively participate, but are associated mainly with those are members of a sect, effectively identify themselves and are identified by others, as belonging to the culture of the sect.

Keywords: Religion, Religious environment, economic structure, cultural structure, spiritual fulfillment

Preferred Citation

Sourabh Prakash Ahirwar, Religion and its impact on the Society, The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal (2010) 1, pp. 10 – 11, ISSN (O): 2319-8338

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