QRG on Code of Civil Procedure, First Edition, LexisNexis

Code of Civil Procedure, Aakarsh Kamra, Lexis Nexis
Code of Civil Procedure, Aakarsh Kamra, Lexis Nexis

Aakarsh Kamra

Code of Civil Procedure, popularly known as Civil Procedure Code is one of the most important subjects to be taught in law schools. As a lawyer it is imperative that one must be well acquainted with the rules of procedure. The Hon’ble Supreme Court in a catena of judgments has observed that procedural law no doubt has been enacted for the purpose of advancing the cause of justice. In the absence of procedural laws regulating procedure as to dealing with any dispute between the parties, the cause of justice suffers and justice will be in a state of ‘confusion and quandary. The Civil Procedure Code had been in 1859 by a committee headed by Mr. John Romily. Subsequently the Code was amended in 1887 and 1882. In 1908 a committee headed by Sir Earle Richards drafted the Civil Procedure Code. The Code has thereafter been amended substantially in the year 1976, 1999 and 2002. In order to serve the cause of justice and trying to resolve civil disputes through alternate means of settlement avoiding the rigors of procedural law, the Amending Act of 1999 brought in a plethora of changes introducing section 89 and Order X Rule 1A etc. to the Code.  As a lawyer, one finds the Mulla’s Code of Civil Procedure published by Lexis Nexis Butterworths Wadhwa Nagpur an extremely useful compilation of the concepts of civil procedure. In hindsight I always wished that for a student once the concepts on procedural law were made clear, a reference manual to summarize the subject along with selected questions on each of the relevant topics could be of a great help and value during the preparation for examinations. The quick reference guide series started by Lexis Nexis is one such successful attempt at helping students acquire a quick understanding of concepts in various laws. The present work on Civil Procedure Code is the first part on the subject dealing with 7 chapters covering Introduction, important concepts, Suits in General and Place of Suing, Special Suits, Pleadings in General, Appearance of parties and consequences of non appearance thereof and Examination of parties by the Court and first hearing of the suit. An attempt has been made through this work to acquaint the students with an understanding of basic concepts like Res Judicata and principles related thereto, Temporary Injunctions and guidelines laid down by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India for grant of such injunctions. Each chapter is followed by a bullet wise summary on the topic and relevant questions to assist the students in preparation for their exams.

Through this guide I have tried to achieve the object and purpose shared by the publisher and wish that I succeed in the same. I welcome any suggestions, additions and modifications to the present work adding a great value thereto.

Publisher Lexis Nexis
ISBN-10 9351433927
Edition 1
Number of Pages 156 Pages
Publication Year 2015
Language English
ISBN-13 9789351433927
Binding Paperback
Price Rs. 160.00