Public interest issues in Copyright

Vishnu S
Ph.D (Law) Research Scholar, University of Kerala
Assistant Manager (Legal), Kochi Metro Rail Limited


In today’s knowledge economy, anything which has got commercial value gets protected under some or other form of intellectual property right (IPR’s). IPR’s are exclusive rights which grants a monopoly to the IP right holder to commercially exploit their intellectual property. In other words, such rights restrict or exclude others from exploiting such IPR’s without the consent of the right holder. However, laws in various countries including India do provide certain exceptions to such exclusive rights in interest of public welfare. Copyright is a bundle of rights, inter aliathe rights of reproduction, communication to the public, adaptation and translation of the work . These rights are given by the State to the creators of such literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works and producers of cinematograph films and sound recordings. However, there could be slight variations in the composition of the rights depending on the work.

Keywords: Knowledge economy, Intellectual Property, Copyrights, IQAC, GLC Thiruvananthapuram, Public Interest

Preferred Citation

Vishnu S, Public interest issues in copyright, The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal (2018) 3, pp. 97 – 100, ISSN (O): 2319-8338
This is an edited version of the talk delivered by the author in the “Two day’s National Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights: Problems and Prospects”, organized by Government Law College, Thiruvananthapuram on 11th and 12th of January, 2018.

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