NAMASTE Scholarships for Indian Students

NAMASTE India – EU Mobility Project provides scholarships for students, researchers and staff from India in order to study, do research, training or teaching at one of the European Universities of the Partnership. Scholarships are not available for mobility from Europe to India, nor among the Indian universities.

Candidates interested in mobility and the related scholarship must apply to the project calls for applications during the application period as described. Applications must be submitted through the online application system provided on this website. Eligible applications are then evaluated and selected candidates are awarded the scholarships.

Calls for Applications are published periodically and are open for a limited period of time of minimum 45 days. The Call for Applications is the official document that must be followed to submit a correct application. All application conditions are binding as described in the Call for Applications.

Selection Procedure

Who can apply?

Scholarships are available for the different mobility types: and for duration from 1 to 36 months, depending on the level and type of mobility.

Details of Academic Programs

Eligibility Criteria

Academic Arrangement

Exchange mobilities: before your mobility can start, you must complete the Learning Agreement (Undergraduate and Master students) or Workplan (Doctoral grantees). This must be approved and signed by your Home and Hosting universities before the mobility start. For this purpose you have to:

  1. Write to the contact person at your Hosting university to require assistance in choosing the relevant courses to attend at your Hosting university, in line with the academic programme you are attending at your Home university;
  2. Choose the courses and complete the learning agreement form;
  3. Submit the learning agreement to the relevant persons at your Home and Hosting University for their approval.

Full degree mobilities: you must follow your Hosting University’s admission procedures.

Post-doc and Staff: before your mobility can start, you must complete the Workplan. This must be signed by your Home (TG1 only) and Hosting universities. For this purpose:

  1. Contact your academic supervisors at your Home (TG1 only) and Hosting university to agree the activities you will carry out during your mobility;
  2. Once you received their approval, submit the work plan to the contact person at your Home (TG1 only) and the Hosting University and make it signed to officialise it.

Please note that you must keep the original Learning Agreement or Workplan, while your Hosting University will keep a copy.

More details about the Scholarship is available here