Misbranded food under Food Safety and Standards Act 2006

Nipun Kalra
2nd Year Student of Law,
National Law University, Delhi


Misbranding of food has been defined under Section 3 (zf) of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. Despite various rules and regulations being laid down by different acts and statutes, the misbranding of food continues to be prevalent in some form or the other. It is used as a deceptive technique by various food operators. In order to deal with it, section 52 of the FSS Act has made misbranding an offence. But there seems that the provisions are not implemented with full effect as this problem continues to be prevalent in our society. Therefore, the author, through this article tries to analyse various aspects of Misbranding that are helpful in determining the scope of this provision in future.

Keywords: Food Safety and Standards Act, Misbranding, Section 52, Adulterated food, Consumerism

Preferred Citation:

Nipun Kalra, Misbranded food under Food Safety and Standards Act 2006, The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal (2020) 1, pp. 05 – 17, ISSN (O): 2319-8338

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