KSRTC vs KSRTC, the Trademark issue

The state claimed transport enterprises in Kerala and Karnataka are in a go head to head over the issue. Albeit both the road transport enterprises have been working under the moniker KSRTC for quite a while, Karnataka a year ago trademarked the name as its own, setting off the debate.

Kerala KSRTC understood the gravity of the issue just when they got a letter from Karnataka to stop utilizing the KSRTC brand. Kerala State Road Transport Corporation MD Anthony Chacko said the name was trademarked by Karnataka without Kerala’s consent or information. He said everything lawfully conceivable will be carried out to hold the KSRTC brand with Kerala.

The name KSRTC has been utilized by Kerala years before Karnataka began utilizing it. People in general transport enterprise that existed before the development of Kerala took the name KSRTC through an administration determination in 1965; Karnataka RTC was situated up just in 1974. In any case Karnataka’s contention is that the name has a place with the person who enlisted it first and not the person who utilized it first.

Karnataka petitioned the brand name a year ago, and got it designated before long. Kerala addresses how one of the two vehicle organizations utilizing the same name could be distributed it without giving the other an opportunity to clarify its perspectives on the matter. Chacko said the recorder will be told about the defects in the choice to distribute the brand name to Karnataka. The Kerala organization has officially started examinations with legal counselors over the issue.

Kerala will challenge the choice with the focal government’s controller general of licenses, outlines and trademarks office. The Karnataka move has likewise prompted dissents in social and media rings.

2 thoughts on “KSRTC vs KSRTC, the Trademark issue

  1. great more issues haunt kerala ksrtc it is a sick corporation notorious for not paying salary to its employees,pension to its retired staff,no compensation for those who met accident with this great corporation
    so basically it lost its moral identity ,the other one is also an identity but cosmetic (the one with ksrtc karnataka) in nature let them attend deep issues with in the corporation soon

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