A critical study on Land Grabbing Prohibition Act, 2011 in Karnataka

Divya K
Student of 2nd Semester LL.M
School of Legal Studies, Reva University, Bangalore


Land grabbing is a challenging factor, which states facing in India. Land grabbing refers to the process where individuals of the State acquires or encroaches public lands unlawfully. Generally, the purpose is to gain more property, mining of Gomal lands, acquiring lakes and other water resource to gain capital from the lands by leasing and selling etc. Prior to passage of encroachments on government lands in Karnataka, State Government enacted Karnataka Land Grabbing Prohibition Act, 2011 in Karnataka to prohibit and prevent land grabbing in Karnataka. Under this Act, the government could retain government lands and punishes land grabbers or the person who are in unlawful possession. Land grabbing done by individuals, companies and real estate agents. It says the welfare state the individuals can’t encroach the government land. This paper makes analysis of Karnataka Land grabbing prohibition Act, 2011 in Karnataka and observed well structured framework of Sections, principles, processes with case studies and punishments. This can be accomplished by speedy trial of cases in the Special Courts.

Keywords:  Land grabbing, Land grabber, Gomal lands, Special Courts, Adverse Possession, Punishment

Preferred Citation:

Divya K, A critical study on land grabbing prohibition act, 2011 in Karnataka, The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal (2019) 1, pp. 50 – 57, ISSN (O): 2319-8338

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