How to write a resume objective

As mentioned in our earlier posts on Resume Writing, recruiting managers do not spend more than 30 seconds time on your resume to decide, whether your resume shall be considered for next round of selection.

→     Read more on how to write a resume

So how do you grab the attention of the recruiter on the very first second? The best possible way to grab the attention of the hiring manager is to write an eye catching resume objective.

→     Read more on the purpose and importance of resume objective

Let’s try to figure out how to write a resume objective? To write a resume objective, it is recommended to consider following points;

  • Always, focus on how the candidate would be benefited from the prospective employer
  • Candidate need not have to worry about how the prospective employer would be benefited, if they select him
  • Never ever discuss on your working preferences while writing a resume objective. Working preferences shall not be put in writing, however, while having one-on-one interview OR interaction, if the employer ask you about your working preference, then you may explain it briefly
  • Keep your resume objective concise and targeted. In other words, it shall not be vague. Best resume objective always contain the desired job title
  • It is always recommended not to discuss on anything substantial about your career goal while writing your resume objective
  • If you have multiple career goals OR you are planning to apply for different job titles OR domain, then it is recommended to prepare separate resumes for each domain

For example;