How to write a research essay?

The term “research essay” is quite common to all of us. Though the term looks simple, it is not that simple as you think. Research essays are the common assignments during the higher education classes. Writing a research essay involves an extensive research and reproducing what you learned from your research. In other words, we can say that, writing a research essay is an exercise, which takes you into the works of others, and asking you to compare your thoughts with that of others.

Following are some of the steps you may adopt to write a research essay;

Selection of Area of Research: It is important to choose an area of research. It is highly appreciated, if you are intending to do a research, then it is recommended to choose an area, where you are having personal interest. For example; in my case, I am interested in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution, so I must be choosing arbitration as my area of Research.

Selection of Topic of Research: Once, you finalise your area of research, next step is to come up with a Topic of Research. This is possible only when you read as manyas literatures on the given area of research. Therefore, literature review is necessary for finalising a topic of research.

Structure of Research Essays: Generally, a research essay shall contain an introduction, body and conclusion. Normally research essaysare written without any headings.

Purpose of a research essay is to provide an answer to a research question, and a research essay shall present an argument based on the facts.

A research essay shall always be fact based, and there shall be a clear structure. Similarly, there shall be a logical flow and a research essay shall be in concise. Further, always use active voice while writing a research essay.

You may also note that, the peers or academic community mostly reads a research essay. Hence, a research essay is expected to be of that quality.

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