How to select a topic for article publication

Selection of topic is an important factor for preparing a research paper. It has got an important role in deciding whether, the paper has to be considered for publication. Most of the journals across the globe prefers to publish articles or research papers, which got contemporary relevance. Only then, they can increase their circulation or readership.

Hence, one should keep in mind that, if I write an article it shall be read by maximum people. In this regard, one shall always chose a topic from any of the contemporary legal issue. For example, in India telecom companies placed their representation before, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) that, after the introduction of VoIP services such as Skype, Whatsapp, Viber etc., the net revenue of telecom operators are decreasing. Since, both VoIP and telecom operators are providing similar services, it is necessary to regulate even the VoIP services.

Therefore, the telecom operators asked permission to charge separately for the use of above-mentioned VoIP services. Further, there was a new concept of net neutrality arose recently, where few service providers decided to provide access only to certain websites to those who are availing their service. In the light of these issues, you may consider the topic of Net Neutrality and may come up with an article like “How death of net neutrality will kill net activism”.

Similarly, you may consider other issues like execution of death sentence to Mr. Yakub Memon. In the light of said case you may choose the topic death sentence in today’s word, and may come up with a criticism on the practices of execution of death sentence. For example;

  • Is it time to abolish death sentence?
  • Why death penalty should be abolished?
  • Why death penalty should not be abolished?

Hope we were able to deliver the concept effectively so that, you got an idea on how to chose a topic for article writing and its publication. Read more on How to publish an article?