Girlfriend entitled for maintenance of Rs. 2500 per month

In an interesting case for maintenance, Nadapuram First Class Magistrate Court directed the accused to pay Rs. 2500/- per month to his girlfriend. Petitioner was a widow and was in a long term live-in relationship with the accused since 2004. Accused married another girl in the year 2013. As a result she was kept away from the house where both the accused and petitioner were staying till then.

Subsequently, the lady moved to the court seeking maintenance as well as compensation for the insult, harassment and mental agony faced by her from her boyfriend after he married to another women in the year 2013. However, the accused claimed that, there was no relationship between him and the petitioner, and the complaint itself is false and misleading, therefore, the petitioner is not entitled for any maintenance or compensation.

Court after considering the facts and circumstances of the case observed that, both the petitioner as well as the accused were living together since 2004 and they were leading a life as same as that of a husband and wife, and therefore the petitioner is entitled for maintenance. Hence, accepting the claims of the petitioner court ordered the accused to pay Rs. 2500/- per month the petitioner towards her maintenance. Court further directed the accused not to enter in the premises where the petitioner resides and he shall not abuse her in any means.

2 thoughts on “Girlfriend entitled for maintenance of Rs. 2500 per month

  1. Yes. As long as the partner can prove that he/she was in a long term live-in relationship, he/she can claim maintenance/compensation

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