Restriction on freedom of press & media: acritical legal analysis in the context of recent developments in Jammu and Kashmir

Abdul Hamied
1 st Semester LLM Student,
School of Legal Studies, REVA University, Bangalore


Print and electronic media have always been a watchdog against several human rights abuses, highlighting the human rights violation of masses. However, the question that needs to be answered in the present scenario is “who takes the responsibility when human rights of media professionals are violated?” In the context of Kashmir, which has been a conflict area since early 90’s, there have been many cases where journalists have lost their lives while performing their duties. There have been a number of cases when copies of newspapers have been prevented from distribution. During the July 2016 unrest in Kashmir, after the killing of Burhan Wani, curfew was imposed in the entire valley wherein journalists were not allowed to freely exercise their right of movement and perform their duties. Now, since the abrogation of Articles 370 and 35A, the state is once again going through the same situation. In the context of the restriction of rights of media from performing their duties by state administration, certain PILs were filed before the Hon’ble Supreme Court regarding the restoration of rights of media in the State. The present paper attempts to throw light on the problems that the media in Jammu and Kashmir is facing while reporting any conflict. The study focuses on covering the situation from the date of shutdown of the valley from 5th of August 2019 including violation of fundamental rights, protests, agitations and the sanctity of Public Interest Litigations filed before the Hon’ble Supreme Court.

Keywords: Article 370, Article 35A, Special Status of Jammu and Kashmir, Indian Constitution, Freedom of speech and expression

Preferred Citation:

Abdul Hamied, Restriction on freedom of press & media: acritical legal analysis in the context of recent developments in Jammu and Kashmir, The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal (2019) 9, pp. 378 – 382, ISSN (O): 2319-8338

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