Justice Rakesh Jain of the Punjab & Haryana High Court, while disposing of a petition filed by Sudhir Yadav who had approached the High Court following reports that Aaadhar card was insisted on for various work, including admissions and availing benefits under government schemes, has directed Haryana Government officers not to demand Aadhaar card for people seeking benefits under various Government Schemes.
Petitioner in support of his case, quoted media reports that several officers like Deputy Commissioner, District Education Officer and other senior officers in Haryana were saying that Aadhaar card was mandatory for availing the benefits of government schemes like CM Window, scholarships, fee concession etc.
Petitioned in support of various media reports alleged that, students and parents were harassed in the absence of Aadhaar Card or their inability to submit the same within the prescribed time by concerned authorities.
He further alleged that despite clear orders of the Supreme Court, various schools and other concerned authorities were insisting on Aadhaar card from students for getting admissions and other benefits as well.