Changes in rape laws in the light of Criminal law Amendment Act of 2013 and the Criminal law (Amendment) Ordinance, 2018

Shreya Bajpai
4th Year B.A, LL.B (Hons.),
Indore Institute of Law


For the social control and counteractive action and control of wrongdoing there is have to change Criminal justice framework as per the need of the public. The law is an instrument through which it could conceivable to correct the law and to secure privileges of the general population as insurance of Human Right idea. The fundamental question of Criminal justice is to keep up lawfulness in the public arena and to secure the guideline of normal equity, for example, lead of law in the public arena. There is squeezing need all around organized enactment and legal in the event that or sexual wrongdoing and other wrongdoing. There is a need of considerable update in the arrangements and practices for casualties of the different wrongdoings. Laws in connection with the offence of rape have seen various changes prior to achieving the present shape through the criminal law correction of 2013, which was brought through as a mandate as the parliament was not in session. This correction was brought after an across the nation shock against the ruthless rape of a physiotherapist student in Delhi. The Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2013 as well as the Criminal Amendment Ordinance, 2018 has introduced numerous new offences as well as disciplines. Further, it introduced more stringent punishments with an ultimate aim to check and control the number of offences against women in India. In this context, the author in this paper made an attempt to examine and to conduct basic investigation of laws in connection with the offence of rape in India.

Keywords: Criminal Law Amendment Act, Criminal Law Amendment Ordinance, Offences against women in India, Rape laws in India

Preferred Citation

Shreya Bajpai, Changes in rape laws in the light of Criminal Law Amendment Act of 2013 and the Criminal Law (Amendment) Ordinance, 2018, The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal (2018) 7, pp. 346 – 354, ISSN (O): 2319-8338

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