CLAT Preparation: Strong and Weak arguments – Part I

Mark the answer as

(a) if only argument I is strong.

(b) if only argument II is strong.

(c) if either I or II is strong.

(d) if neither I nor II is strong.

(e ) Both are strong

1. Should literacy be the minimum criterion for becoming a voter in India?

I: Yes.  Illiterate people are less likely to make politically wise decisions of voting for the right candidate or party

II: No. Voting is the constitutional right of every citizen

2. Should the Government close down all loss-making public sector enterprises?

I: No. The employees will lose their jobs, security and earning, what would they do?

II: Yes. In a competitive world, the rule is ‘survival of the fittest’.

3. Should India have no military force at all?

I. No. Other countries in the world do not believe in non – violence.

II. Yes. Many Indian believe in non-violence.

4. Should those who received dowry, despite the law prohibiting it, be punished?

I. Yes. Those who violate law must be punished.

II. No. Dowry system is firmly rooted in the society since time immemorial.

5. Should the council of ministers be kept the same for the entire period intervening two elections?

I: No. Shuffling of ministers and portfolios is a healthy democratic process

II: Yes. Ministers do not get a hold on their portfolio unless kept for a longer duration

6. Should Indian writers be forced to write in Hindi?

I. Yes, because Hindi is our national language.

II. No, because it is important to know other languages

7. Should telecasting feature films be stopped?

I. Yes. Young children are misguided by the feature films.

II. No. This is the only way to educate the masses.

8. Should small states be formed out of bigger states in India?

I. Yes. There will be administrative convenience.

II. No. It will be a danger to national integration.

9. Agriculture in India should be mechanized?

I: Yes, because it is high time that farming is taken to a higher step

II: No, because mechanization requires power and India is already short of it

10. Should there be a world government?

I: Yes, it will help in eliminating tensions among the nations

II: No. Thus only the developed nations will dominate the government

11. Should health care service be nationalized?

I. Yes. It has been done everywhere else.

II. No. The quality of health care service will deteriorate.

12. Should we scrap the ‘Public Distribution System’ in India?

I. Yes. Protectiveness is over, everyone must get the bread on his/her own.

II. No. The poor do not get any benefit because of corruption.

13. Should octroi be abolished?

I. Yes. It will eliminate an important source of corruption.

II. No. It will adversely affect government.

14. Should the government take-up interlinking of all the rivers in India?

I. Yes. This will save the farmers from the erratic nature of monsoons.

II. No. The impact of such a measure on climate and ecology has not been assessed

15. Primary education should be made compulsory

I: Yes, because primary education has been found to be the only solution to decreasing crime rates everywhere in the world

II: No, because even if you make primary education compulsory, children run away from schools and the whole purpose is defeated.

16. Should there reservation for the underprivileged in the private sector too?

I: No, because the job of the private sector is to generate wealth and not to undertake social engineering.

II: Yes. To create an equal society, we need legislation ensuring job quotas for the underprivileged in the private sector as well

17. Are nuclear families better than joint families?

I. No Joint families ensure security and also reduce the burden of work.

II. Yes. Nuclear families ensure greater freedom.

18. Should India encourage exports, when most things are insufficient for internal use itself?

 I: Yes. We have to earn foreign exchange to pay for our imports.

II: No. Even selective encouragement would lead to shortages.

19. India should make voting in elections compulsory for every eligible citizen

I: Yes, because India spends a lot on elections, which are very important in the Indian context and everyone should vote to make India a true democracy.

II: No, because the moment you make things compulsory, it is not a truly democratic way of getting things done.

20. Should cutting of trees be banned altogether?

I. Yes. It is very much necessary to do so to restore ecological balance.

II. No. A total ban would harm timber based industries.

21. Should India remain secular?

I : Yes, because that is the best way of maintaining harmony in a diverse culture like India.

II: No, because different religious groups do not see eye to eye.

22. Should all those convicted for heinous crimes beyond all reasonable doubt be awarded death penalty?

I: No. Those who are repentant for their crimes should be given a chance to improve and lead a normal life.

II: Yes. Such sever punishments only will make people refrain from committing such heinous acts and the society will be safer

23. Should school teachers be debarred from giving private tuitions?

I: No. The needy students will be deprived of the expertise of these teachers.

II: Yes. This is injustice to the unemployed educated people who can earn their living by giving tuitions.

24. Should students union in universities be abolished?

I. Yes. Students can pay full attention to their career development.

II. No. All the great leaders had been student union leaders.

25. Should higher education be reserved for deserving few?

I. No. It will increase unemployment.

II. Yes. It will minimize wastage in higher education.


  1. E
  2. A
  3. A
  4. A
  5. D
  6. D
  7. B
  8. E
  9. B
  10. B
  11. D
  12. A
  13. E
  14. E
  15. A
  16. B
  17. E
  18. A
  19. A
  20. D
  21. A
  22. B
  23. D
  24. D
  25. C