CLAT Preparation: CODING-DECODING Questions – Part I

1. In a code NATION is written as 583125, BROTHER is written as 4623790. How will be NATO RAIN be written?

a. 5831 6599   b. 5832 5470    c. 5832 0815  d. 6732 1590

2. If ‘678’ means—’Society Family Husbandry’, ‘574’ means—’Husbandry Health Control’, ‘342’ means—’Health Census shop’, then–Which code has been used for ‘Health’ ?

a.5     b. 7       c. 6        d. 4

3. ‘Reds’ are ‘blues’, ‘blues’ are ‘whites’, ‘whites’ are ‘yellows’, ‘yellows’ are ‘oranges’, ‘oranges’ are ‘pinks’, then what is the colour of the sky?

a. white     b. pink            c. blue             d. red

4. In a secret way of writing INDIA is written as JOEJB, how would you SPACE in that language?

a. BUTQE                      b. TQBDF                c. UTQED                             d. SUTQD

5. In a certain code, PAPER is written as SCTGW. How is MOTHER written in that code?

a. POXJJT                    b. ORVLGW                      c. PQXKJV                     d. PQVJGT

6. If a stands for X, b stands for + and d stands for -. What is value of 23 a (108b786b8d90)?

a. 985    b.698      c.598   d. 789

7. If BAD is coded as 5-4-7, then the code for DARK is

a. 7-4-20-14       b.7-4-21-14         c.7-14-21-4                     d. 7-21-4-14

8. In a certain code, ‘BELIEF’ is written as ‘AFKKDI’. How is ‘SELDOM’ written in that code?

a. RDKCNL                    b. TFKENP                c. RFKENM                     d. RFKFNP

9. In a certain code, ‘FORGET’ is written as ‘DPPHCU’. How would ‘DOCTOR’ be written in that code?

a. BPAUMS                       b.BPAUPSc.EMDRPPd.BPARPP

10. If ALTERED is written as ZOGVIVW, how good you write the word RELATED in the same code?

a. VIOGZVW                    b. IVOZGWV              c. VOIZGVW                d.IVOZGVW

11. In a certain code ‘VISHWANATHAN’ is written as ‘NAAWTHHSANIV’. How is ‘KARUNAKARANA’ written in that code?


12. In a code, CORNER is written as GSVRIV. How can CENTRAL be written in that code?

a. DFOUSBM                b. GIRXVEP           c. GNFJKER                    d. GJRYVEP

13. In a code language, COULD is written as BNTKC and MARGIN is written LZQFHM. how will MOULDING be written in that code?

a. LNTKCHMF          b. LNTKCHFM                     c.LNTMKCHM          d. LNTKMCHF

14. According to a military code, SYSTEM is SYSMET and NEARER is AENRER What is the code for FRACTION ?

a. CARFTOIN             b. CARFTION               c. CARFNOIT                 d. CARFTINO

15. If DELHI is coded as CCIDD, how would you encode BOMBAY?

a. AMJXVS                b.AMBXVSc.AMJXSV               d. AMJXSB

16. In a certain code, TOGETHER is written as RQEGRJCT. In the same code, PAROLE will be written as

a.NCPQGJ                    b. NCPQJG               b.RCPQJS                     d. RCPQGJ

17. Seven players of a group are selected to play from Sunday to Saturday on different days. Anil plays on Tuesday, Randhir plays two days after him who plays before Bhaskar, Sapan plays after Mahesh but he plays two days before Vishal.Mohan plays two days after Mahesh then on which day, Mohan and Sapan play?

  a. Monday & Thursday          b. Friday & Sunday   c. Monday & Saturday d. Wednesday & Monday

18.  If ‘ROAD’ is ‘WTFI’, then ‘BEAT’ is


19. If ‘white’ is called ‘rain’, ‘rain’ is called ‘green’, ‘green’ is called ‘blue’, ‘blue’ is called ‘cloud’,‘cloud’ is called ‘red’, ‘red’ is called ‘sky’, ‘sky’ is called ‘yellow’ and ‘yellow’ is called ‘black’, what is the colour of ‘blood’?


20. The group of letters in each of these questions is to be coded as per the numeric codes and the conditions given below:

Letters: M D E J R I P H A

Numeric Codes:5 8 6 7 2 4 9 3 1


i] If the last letter of the letter group is a vowel, then both the last and the first letters are to be coded

as the number representing the vowel as the first letter.

ii] If the first letter of the letter group is a vowel, then both the first and the last letters are to be coded as the number representing the consonant as the first letter.

iii] It both the first and the last letters are vowels, then both these letters are to be coded as ‘0’


a. 96732 b.56734 c.56732d.None of these


a. 03140 b. 43144 c. 93149 d. None of these


a. 45834 b. 95839 c. 45839 d. None of these


a. 17294 b. 47294 c. 17291 d. 07290


a. 82357 b. 42357 c. 02350 d. None of these

25. In a certain code language ‘OMNIPRESENT’ is written as ‘QJONPTSMDRD’. How is ‘CREDIBILITY’ written in that code?

a. JEFSDCXSHKH             b. JEFSDDXSHKH            c. DSFEJDDXSHKH        d. JEFSDDZUJMJ


  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. C
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. A
  10. D
  11. D
  12. B
  13. A
  14. C
  15. A
  16. B
  17. D
  18. C
  19. D
  20. C
  21. D
  22. D
  23. D
  24. A
  25. B