Sai Manoj Reddy Res communis and res nullius are the two legal maxims which have a great significance in the legal world and mainly in the laws related to seas,…

Lohitashwa Pratap Singh Corpus delicti translated to “body of crime” is a term that refers to the principle that a crime must have been proven to have occurred before a…

Mahima Gherani Ratio decidendi is a Latin phrase meaning “the reason” or the “rationale for the decision”. The term ‘ratio” means the ‘the measure of the quantity in other’ and…

Maygha Viswanat Being in the legal fraternity and as law students we often come across the term “Locus Standi.” This maxim forms the deciding factor when a case comes up…

Balakumar Rajendran Latin term meaning of Non Compos Mentis is “Not of a sound mind, memory, or understanding.” Defendants could argue in their defence that they were not responsible for…

Sai Manoj Reddy Injuria Sine Damno is used in law of torts and is related to damages. The meaning of the above maxim is infringement of an absolute private right without…

Adyasree Prakriti Sivakumar “Ignorantia juris non excusat” is a Latin legal maxim, on literal interpretation, means Ignorance of Law is not an excuse. This is one of the most important…

Mahima Gherani This commonly used Latin maxim means “of the same kind, class or nature”. Known as a “canon of construction”, it states that while interpretation or construction of a…