Ejusdem Generis
Sai Manoj Reddy The meaning of this maxim is ‘of the same kind’ this maxim is generally used by the courts in deciding or classification of entities or bodies which…
Sai Manoj Reddy The meaning of this maxim is ‘of the same kind’ this maxim is generally used by the courts in deciding or classification of entities or bodies which…
Sai Manoj Reddy The Maxim Damnum Sine Injuria means ‘that no action will lie if there is actual loss or damage but there has been no infringement of legal right”.…
Balakumar Rajendran Amicus Curiae is a Legal phrase derived from Latin which means “friend of the court”. It refers to someone, not a party to a case, who volunteers to…
Balakumar Rajendran Actori Incumbit Onus Probandi is a legal phrase derived from Latin meaning ‘the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff”. It says that the claimant bears the burden…
Mahima Gherani In the common law, “Res Ipsa Loquitor”, a Latin word which means the thing speaks for itself. Prima facie it appears to be a simple and easy maxim…
Lohitashwa Pratap Singh The thing itself speaks; or, the thing done, or the transaction, speaks for itself The basis of this principle is based on that negligence caused the injury,…
Mahima Gherani Volenti non fit injuria is a Latin term which means “to one who is willing, no harm is done.” This doctrine holds that a person who knowingly and…
Adyasree Prakriti Sivakumar “Volenti non fit injuria“, is a Latin maxim, on literal translation, means To a willing person, injury is not done. This is a common law doctrine which…
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