Case analysis: Anant Prakash Sinha v. State of Haryana & Others
Archit Mishra Symbiosis Law School Abstract The right to have a fair trial goes way back. It has developed over thousands of years. In 1215, Magna Carta was a first…
Archit Mishra Symbiosis Law School Abstract The right to have a fair trial goes way back. It has developed over thousands of years. In 1215, Magna Carta was a first…
Lalude Olalekan Moyosore LL.M candidate at the Faculty of Law, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria Abstract The perception of law as a body of rules stemming from a…
Vagish Yadav Research Scholar, Amity Law School, Lucknow, India Abstract From the very inception of this century, the world has been experiencing a drastic increment in the change in global…
Nandakrishna M 3rd year student of BBA, LL.B, School of Law, CUSAT. Abstract An arbitration is a method of resolving disputes through an arbitrator appointed by the parties in a…
Shreya Bajpai 4th Year B.A, LL.B (Hons.), Indore Institute of Law Abstract For the social control and counteractive action and control of wrongdoing there is have to change Criminal justice…
Anveksha Padhye 4th Year B.A, LL.B (Hons.), Indore Institute of Law Abstract Our country’s judiciary has always been overburden and pendency in delivering judgments has one of the common problems…
Nimisha Jha Advocate, High Court of Madhya Pradesh Abstract The French system of Administrative law of establishing a different set of courts for dealing with the cases related to maladministration…
Abstract It is the need of hour that laws be more gender neutral. To bring equality and to protect the rights of the people of third sex gender and homosexuals…
Ritika Sahani Student of 4th Year B.A.LLB, Indore Institute of Law, Indore Abstract The world’s greatest resource of every nation is the human beings of that nation. Other resources would…
Aditi Sharma 4th Year Student of B.A.LLB, Indore Institute of Law, Indore Abstract This research talks about the atrocious crime of acid attack violence which is quite a burning issue…
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