AIIMS to treat a 13 year old boy suffering spinal tuberculosis

Delhi High Court directed AIIMS to provide immediate treatment to a 13-year-old boy suffering from spinal tuberculosis and asked not to delay the child’s surgery by waiting for completion of formalities to get financial assistance from Delhi Arogya Nidhi/Kosh.

It was a case where the hospital authorities mandated the boy’s family to produce all certificates for completion of formalities. Subsequently, boy’s father moved a Writ petition before the Delhi High Court and stated that, his family had an annual income of less than Rs.1 Lac and had been provided the national food security card.

Boy’s father further submitted that, he did not have his income certificate and his son’s birth certificate, which were being demanded by AIIMS for providing an estimate certificate. However, the counsel for AIIMS said intimated the Court that the petitioner’s family would have to provide the documents required for completion of formalities.

Court observed in its Order that, the boy required urgent surgery and fulfilled the eligibility requirements for availing of benefits under the Delhi Arogya Nidhi/Kosh. Accordingly, Court directed the hospital authority to issue an estimate certificate indicating the amount of expenditure required without insisting upon either the income certificate or the birth certificate.

It was specifically noted that, “If the attending doctors are of the opinion that a surgery is required urgently, AIIMS shall proceed to provide medical assistance and conduct surgery without waiting for completion of formalities.” However, while granting the relief, the Court recorded an undertaking of the petitioner’s counsel that, petitioner would complete the necessary formalities and apply to the authorities concerned for issuance of the required certificates within a week.